Sunday, December 28, 2008


Kooper had his first swing experience and his Aunt Amy and Uncle Jeff's. He loved it, and the higher Brandon pushed him the bigger his smile got! I see a swing set in our near future!

A day at Ashmore Acre's

Kooper loves to go to Ashmore Acre's and visit Tutu and Pa. My dad bought Kooper a BIG John Deere before he was even I think my dad may have created a monster! Brandon wanted to put Kooper on a BIG tractor and I was worried that it would be to loud for him and he would be scared...BOY WAS I WRONG! He LOVED it! He got in his daddy's lap and grabbed the steering wheel. Brandon took him for a little ride and when they were coming toward the barn a HOT AIR BALLOON landed in the pasture next to my parents. It was so pretty! You never know what will happen at Ashmore Acre's!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Trying to catch up...

I feel like such a bad blogger! I am hoping to get caught up this week. Brandon will be off so maybe I will have a little extra time to upload pictures etc. I hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season! More to come soon! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My little Monkey...

Kooper was super sick on Halloween so in November I dressed him up in his Monkey suit and took pictures...of course now it is December and I am just now posting them...Isn't he the cutest!